Carl Zelter
1758 - 1832
Karl (Carl) Friedrich [Carl] Zelter (11/12/1758 - 15/05/1832), a German composer, conductor and teacher of music, born and died in Berlin. Pupil of Johann Philipp Kirnberger and Karl Friedrich Christian Fasch in Berlin. His father
was a mason and apprenticed his son to the same trade, which he abandoned for music. He played the violin iu Rellstab's concerts in Berlin ; from 1792 till 1800 was accompanist for the Berlin Siugakademie, and on the death of Fasch in 1800 became its director, which post he held until his death. In 1806 he was appointed assessor in the Akademie, and in 1807 conducted
the Ripienschule for orchestra practice. On Dec. 28, 1808, he founded in Berlin the first Liedertafel, a society composed of musicians and poets, which had many imitators. In 1809 he founded the Royal Institute for church music, which he directed until his death. Zelter's influence upon the music of Berlin was strong and lasting. He was an enthusiastic worshipper of Bach, and the intimate friend of Goethe and Mendelssohn. Works : Cantata on the death of Frederick the Great ; Tho Ascension, oratorio ; Requiem ; Te Deum ; Choruses ; Songs and Partsongs ; Many pianoforte compositions. He was known especially for his setting of
Goethe's and Schiller's songs. Literary works : Karl Friedrich Christian Fasch (1801); and Briefwechsel zwischen Goethe and Zelter (6 vols., Berlin, 1830).
Requiem for four voices and choir (1802); written in memory of Carl Friedrich Christian Fasch (1736 - 1800).
Ein kurzes Requiem
Ein kurzes Requiem for four voices (1823).