W (129)
| Name | Born - Died | Place of birth | Requiems |
| Georg Wagenseil | 1715 - 1777 | Austria | 1 |
| Ernst David Wagner | 1806 - 1883 | Poland / Germany | 1 |
| Ignaz Wagner | 18th - century ? | Austria (?) | 1 |
| Rudolf Wagner-Régeny | 1903 - 1969 | Romania / Germany | 1 |
| Bernhard Wahl | 1732 - 1786 | Germany | 1 |
| Josef Waldeck | 1833 - 1877 | Austria | 1 |
| Ken Walicki | 1961 - | United States of America, MI | 1 |
| Robert Walker | 1946 - | Great Britain, England | 1 |
| Eugenejusz Walkiewicz | 1880 - 1946 | Poland | 1 |
| Johannes Wallmann | 1952 - | Germany | 1 |
| Michael Walsh | 1948 - | Great Britain, England | 1 |
| Stefan Walter | 1968 - | Germany | 1 |
| Arnold Walther | 1846 - 1924 | Switzerland | 1 |
| Theo Wanders | 1883 - 1959 | The Netherlands | 1 |
| Jan Wanski | 1756 - c.1830 | Poland | 1 |
| Toby Wardman | 1981 - | Great Britain, England | 2 |
| Josef Wareka | fl. 1948 - | Austria ? | 1 |
| Charles Warot | 1804 - 1836 | Belgium | 1 |
| Bertold Wassmer | 1886 - 1969 | Germany | 2 |
| Johann Georg Wassmuth | 1707 - 1766 | Germany | 1 |
| Wenzel Wawra | 1765 - 1844 | Czech Republic | 2 |
| Samuel Webbe (jr.) | 1768 - 1843 | Great Britain, England | 2 |
| Samuel Webbe (sr.) | 1742 - 1816 | Great Britain, England | 2 |
| Gottfried Weber | 1779 - 1839 | Germany | 1 |
| Werner Wehrli | 1892 - 1944 | Switzerland | 1 |
| Jörg Weigand | 1940 - | Germany | 1 |
| Eugene Weigel | 1910 - 1998 | United States of America / Canada | 2 |
| Michael Weigl | ? - 1798 | Germany (?) | 1 |
| Kurt Weill | 1900 - 1950 | Germany / United States of America | 1 |
| Hubertus Weimer | 1960 - 2017 | Germany | 1 |
| Mieczyslaw Weinberg | 1919 - 1996 | Poland | 1 |
| Ernest Weinrauch | 1730 - 1793 | Germany | 1 |
| Rudolf Weinwurm | 1835 - 1911 | Austria | 2 |
| Harald Weiss | 1949 - | Germany | 1 |
| Joel Weiss | c.1980 - | United States of America, SC | 1 |
| Raphael Weiss | 1713 - 1779 | Germany | 1 |
| Charles Weissflog | 1780 - 1828 | Germany | 1 |
| Giso Weitendorf | 1980 - | Germany | 1 |
| Max Welcker | 1878 - 1954 | Germany | 3 |
| Karl-Erik Welin | 1934 - 1992 | Sweden | 1 |
| Henning Wellejus | 1919 - 2002 | Denmark | 1 |
| Wilmer Welsh | 1932 - 2008 | United States of America, OH | 1 |
| Martin Wendel | 1925 - 2013 | Switzerland | 1 |
| Mikuláš Wentzely | c.1643 - 1722 | Czech Republic | 1 |
| Eberhard Wenzel | 1896 - 1982 | Germany | 1 |
| Res Wepfer | 1966 - | Switzerland | 1 |
| Felix Werder | 1922 - 2012 | Germany / Australia | 1 |
| Aegidius Werner | 18th/19th - century | Czech Republic (?) / Germany (?) | 1 |
| Anthony Werner | 19th - century | United States of America | 1 |
| Gregor Werner | 1693 - 1766 | Austria | 5 |
| Johann Georg Wernhammer | 1742 - 1807 | Germany | 2 |
| Richard Wernick | 1934 - | United States of America, MA | 1 |
| Giaches de Wert | 1535 - 1596 | Belgium / The Netherlands | 3 |
| Samuel Wesley | 1766 - 1837 | Great Britain, England | 2 |
| Ed. Wessel | 19th - century | Germany (?) | 1 |
| Paul van Westering | 1911 - 1991 | The Netherlands | 1 |
| David Westermayer | 1733 - 1775 | Austria | 2 |
| Nigel Westlake | 1958 - | Australia | 1 |
| John Fane, earl of Westmorland | 1784 - 1859 | Great Britain, England | 1 |
| Martin Wettstein | 1970 - | Switzerland | 1 |
| Richard Wetz | 1875 - 1935 | Germany | 1 |
| De Wever | 17th - century | Belgium / The Netherlands | 2 |
| Christoph Weyse | 1774 - 1842 | Denmark / Germany | 1 |
| James Whitbourn | 1963 - | Great Britain, England | 1 |
| John White | 1855 - 1902 | United States of America | 1 |
| Robert White | c.1535 - 1574 | Great Britain, England | 1 |
| Arthur Whiting | 1861 - 1936 | United States of America, MA | 1 |
| William Whittaker | 1876 - 1944 | Great Britain, England | 1 |
| Ernest Whyte | 1858 - 1922 | Canada | 1 |
| Ivar Widéen | 1871 - 1951 | Sweden | 1 |
| Franz Xaver Widerhofer | 1742 - 1799 | Austria | 1 |
| Ernst Widmer | 1927 - 1990 | Switzerland | 2 |
| J. Wiegand | 19th/20th - century | Germany (?) | 1 |
| Willem Wiesehahn | 1914 - 1998 | The Netherlands | 1 |
| Günther Wiesemann | 1956 - | Germany | 1 |
| Christopher Wiggins | 1956 - | Great Britain, England | 2 |
| Mack Wilberg | 1955 - | United States of America, UT | 1 |
| Arthur Wilford | 1851 - 1926 | Belgium | 1 |
| Scott Wilkinson | 1962 - 2011 | Canada | 1 |
| Kazimierz Wilkomirski | 1900 - 1995 | Russia / Poland | 1 |
| Adrian Willaert | c.1488 - 1562 | Belgium / The Netherlands | 3 |
| Healey Willan | 1880 - 1968 | Great Britain, England / Canada | 1 |
| Christopher Willcock | 1947 - | Australia | 1 |
| Jonathan Willcocks | 1953 - | Great Britain, England | 4 |
| Chris Williams | 20th - century | Great Britain, England | 1 |
| Malcolm Williamson | 1931 - 2003 | Australia | 2 |
| Hansruedi Willisegger | 1935 - | Switzerland | 4 |
| Arthur Wills | 1926 - 2020 | Great Britain, England | 1 |
| Andreas Willscher | 1955 - | Germany | 1 |
| August Wiltberger | 1850 - 1928 | Germany | 1 |
| Lothar Windsperger | 1885 - 1935 | Germany | 1 |
| Max Winkler | 1810 - 1884 | Germany | 6 |
| Peter Winkler | 1943 - | United States of America, CA | 1 |
| Jesse Winne | 1875 - 1964 | United States of America | 1 |
| Paul Winneberger | 1758 - 1821 | Germany | 1 |
| Johan Winnubst | 1885 - 1934 | The Netherlands | 1 |
| Walter Winslow | 1947 - 1998 | United States of America, OR | 1 |
| Peter von Winter | 1754 - 1825 | Germany | 2 |
| Alexander Winterberger | 1834 - 1914 | Germany | 1 |
| Georg Karl Wisner von Morgenstern | 1783 - 1855 | Germany | 1 |
| Jan Wisse | 1921 - 2008 | The Netherlands | 1 |
| Franz Witt | 1834 - 1888 | Germany | 6 |
| Robert Wittinger | 1945 - | Austria | 1 |
| Gottfried Wittmann | 1878 - 1976 | Germany | 1 |
| Carl Witzka | 1768 - 1848 | Germany | 1 |
| G.B. Witzka | 19th/20th - century | United States of America (?) | 1 |
| Jah Wobble | 1958 - | Great Britain, England | 1 |
| Andreas Wohlmuth | 1809 - 1884 | Germany | 1 |
| Johannes Wolfensperger | fl.1870 - | Switzerland ? | 1 |
| Albert Wolff | 1884 - 1970 | France | 1 |
| Sebastian Wolff | 1929 - 2022 | Ireland | 1 |
| Joseph Wolfram | 1789 - 1839 | Czech Republic | 1 |
| Kurt von Wolfurt | 1880 - 1957 | Latvia / Germany | 1 |
| Friedrich Wollanck | 1782 - 1831 | Germany | 1 |
| Franz Alphons Wolpert | 1917 - 1978 | Germany | 1 |
| Christopher Wood | 1945 - | Great Britain, Wales | 1 |
| T. Wood | 19th - century | United States of America | 1 |
| David Woodard | 1969 - | United States of America | 1 |
| Huntington Woodman | 1861 - 1943 | United States of America, NY | 1 |
| Alex Woolf | 1995 - | Great Britain, England | 1 |
| Andrew Worton-Steward | 1948 - 1990 | Great Britain, England | 1 |
| Josef von Woss | 1863 - 1943 | Austria | 2 |
| Andrew Wright | 1955 - | Great Britain, England | 1 |
| Tomas Wullschleger | 1962 - 2012 | Switzerland | 1 |
| Rudolf Wunsch | 1880 - 1955 | Czech Republic | |
| Graf Wurceburg | 18th - century | Germany (?) | 1 |
| Conrad Wusching | 1827 - 1900 | Germany | 1 |
| Alexander Wustin | 1943 - 2020 | Russia | 1 |
| Hans Wuthrich-Mathez | 1937 - 2019 | Switzerland | 1 |