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Francesco Malipiero
1882 - 1973
G.F. Malipiero
Gian Francesco [Francesco] Malipiero (18/03/1882 - 01/08/1973), an Italian composer of operas, choral and orchestral works, songs, etc., born in Venice.
Source:Grove's dictionary of music and musicians
Missa pro mortuis
Composed in:1938
Musical form:mass
Text/libretto:Latin mass
In memory of:Gabriele D'Annunzio
A requiem for bariton, chorus and orchestra, written in memory of the Italian writer Gabriele D'Annunzio (12/03/1863 - 01/03/1938).
Source:Grove's dictionary of music and musicians
Requiem settings from the 20th century are remarkable for their range and variety. Those that continue the ‘symphonic’ manner of the previous century include the settings by Maliszewski (1930), G.F. Malipiero (1938), Guido Guerrini (Missa pro defunctis ‘alla memoria di G. Marconi’, 1938–9), Sutermeister (1952), Virgil Thomson (1960) and Frank Martin (1971–2).
Author:Steven Chang-Lin Yu
G. D'Annunzio