Franz Lachner
1803 - 1890
Franz Paul [Franz] Lachner (02/04/1803 - 20/01/1890), a German composer, born in Rain am Lech (Bavaria). He was a member of a large family, many of whom attained distinction as musicians. Franz was well educated in other things besides music, but music was the study which interested him most. He went to Vienna in 1822, and studied under Stadler and Sechter, at the same time becoming very intimate with Schubert. He became capellmeister of the Karthnerther Theatre, and held this post until 1834. Lachner eventually left Vienna for Mannheim, and later for Munich, where in course of time he became conductor of the Court Opera. He also conducted the sacred concerts of the Court Band, and the concerts of the Musical Academy at Munich, and Musical festivals at Munich and Aiz-la-Chappelle. All this time he was a prolific composer, and produced many works of importance.
His works include eight symphonies, two oratorios, four operas, various cantatas, a requiem, orchestral suites, songs, choruses and many other works of different kinds. He was a musician of the "old school", very thorough, scholarly and apparently tireless. Had his music possessed the "divine fire" he would have been one of the greatest musicians of all time. As it is, however, he is chiefly remembered as one of those who have made clear and open the paths blazed by the pioneers of musical thought.
Requiem in F minor
This Requiem (Op.146) for solo voices, mixed choir and orchestra.
It contains: *Introitus & Kyrie 01. Requiem 02. Kyrie * Sequenz 03. Dies irae 04. Recordare 05. Confutatis 06. Lacrimosa *Offertorium 07. Domine Jesu Christe 08. Quam olim Abrahae 09. Hostias 10. Quam olim Abrahae *Sanctus 11. Sanctus 12. Benedictus *Agnus Dei 13. Agnus Dei *Communio 14. Lux aeterna
♫ 01. Requiem © Carus 83.178 ♫ 02. Kyrie © Carus 83.178 ♫ 03. Dies irae © Carus 83.178 ♫ 04. Recordare © Carus 83.178 ♫ 05. Confutatis © Carus 83.178 ♫ 06. Lacrimosa © Carus 83.178 ♫ 07. Domine Jesu Christe © Carus 83.178 ♫ 08. Quam olim Abrahae © Carus 83.178 ♫ 09. Hostias © Carus 83.178 ♫ 10. Quam olim Abrahae © Carus 83.178 ♫ 11. Sanctus © Carus 83.178 ♫ 12. Benedictus © Carus 83.178 ♫ 13. Agnus Dei © Carus 83.178 ♫ 14. Lux aeterna © Carus 83.178 This Requiem is for Soli SSATB, Coro SATB, 2 Ob, 2 Clt, 2 Fg, 2 Cor, 2 Tr, 3 Trb, Timp, 2 Vl, Va, Vc, Cb.
In 1856, the year in which Mozart's one-hundredth birthday was elaborately celebrated, Franz Lachner composed the Requiem in F minor op. 146. It became his most well-known and most important work. Lachner's intensive study of Mozart's music on the occasion of the commemorative year lends credence to that fact that it was not inspired by a personal loss, such as a death in the family or among his friends. Although closer examination proves that his music differed essentially from Mozart's, Lachner's work shows a clear expression of his admiration for him. The parallels between the two Requiems range from the characteristics of the organization of the text and the formal structure, to the similar treatment of individual sections, themes and motives.
Lachner was a thoroughly competent composer, using a musical language based on a solid classical technique. He was a prolific and craftsmanlike composer, he was strongly influenced mainly by Ludwig van Beethoven and Schubert. The opera Catarina Cornaro (1841), the seventh orchestral suite (1881) and the Requiem opus 146 had particular success.