Johann Antonin Kozeluch
1738 - 1814
Czech Republic
Jan Evangelista Antonín Tomáš [Johann Antonin] Koželuh (also: Johann Evangelista Anton Thomas Ko(t)zeluch en Koziluch, Koziluh, Koscheluch, Goscheloch) (14/12/1738 - 03/02/1814), a Bohemian composer. He was born in Welwarn (Velvary, Bohemia). He was the uncle of Leopold Kozeluch (1752 - 1818). J.E.A.T. Kozeluch was a very prolific composer: 45 masses, 5 requiems, 10 Te Deum's and over 300 smaller compositions, mainly church music.
Johann Anton Kozeluch, a dramatic and church composer, studied at Prague, then was choirmaster at Rakonitz and at Welwarn, whence he returned to Prague, and studied composition under Segert. To perfect himself he went to Vienna, where he was kindly received by Gluck and Gassmann, and studied recitative under Hasse. On his return to Prague he was appointed choirmaster of the Kreuzherrnkirche, and in 1784 Kapellmeister of the cathedral. Works : Alessandro nell' Indie, opera, given in Prague, 1774 ; Demofoonte, do.; La morte d' Abele, oratorio ; Gioas, rč di Giuda, do., performed in the Kreuzherrnkirche, Prague, 1777 ; Masses for four voices and orchestra for every Sunday and feast day in the year ; Several solemn masses and grand vespers for festivals ; 5 Requiems ; 116 graduals and offertories ; 147 motets for the entire year; Litanies, anthems, etc.
Requiem in D minor
No details available.
Requiem (3x)
No details available.
Requiem in E flat major
No details available.