Miquel Lopez
1669 - 1723
Miquel Lopez (01/02/1669 - 1723), a Spanish composer and organist; born in Villarroya de la Sierra, Aragon, Spain, died in Zaragoza, Spain. Lopez was a student of the Escolania of Montserrat as a choirboy. He served as an organist for the monastery of Saint Martin in Madrid while studying theology at Salamanca University. Lopez was the choirmaster for Montserrat and the organist for the monastery of Saint Benito in Valladolid. The extant music of Lopez remains in a 580 page folio of miscellaneous music, so titled by the composer. It included both vocal and organ works: the former were masses, vespers, psalms, motets, et cetera and the latter were solos and versets. Most of the organ works were written with a clear intention toward teaching and the vocal pieces were scored for accompanied by a continuo and/or instrumental parts.
Missa Defunctorum
Missa Defunctorum for twelve voices.