Knut Nystedt
1915 - 2014
Knut Nystedt (03/09/1915 - 08/12/2014), a Norwegian composer, born and died in Oslo. He studied composition with Bjarne Brustad and Aaron Copland, organ with Arild Sandvold and Ernest White, and conducting with Řivin Fjeldstad. He was organist at Torshov Church in Oslo 1946-1982 and professor of choral conducting at the University of Oslo 1964-1985. He was conductor of, The Norwegian Soloists` Choir from 1950-90, and has toured with them not only the Scandinavian countries, but also Germany, France and three times the United States (twice under the management of Colombia Artists in New York). A visit to Japan, Korea, Hong Kong and Thailand in 1978 was followed by concerts in China (1982) and Israel (1984 and 1988).
As a composer, Knut Nystedt has held a central position throughout a long period of rapidly shifting musical currents. With unfailing artistry he has shown a remarkable ability to adapt essential new discoveries to his own, highly personal, style, which is rich in colors and, at the same time, delicately nuanced.
Dies irae
This Dies irae (opus 77) is a motet for SATB + SATB + SATB + SATB (16 voices mixed) and orchestra (11 instrumental parts - Flute (2), Crotales, Triangle (3), Trombone (3), Percussion).