As far we know and examined in the sources this Missa de Requiem consists out of the following traditional movements:
01. Introito Requiem aeternam
02. Kyrie Kyrie, Christe, Kyrie
03. Gradual Requiem aeternam
04. Secuencia Dies Irae
05. Offertorio Domine Jesus Christe
06. Sanctus Sanctus y Benedictus
07. Agnus Dei Agnus Dei
08. Communio Lux aeterna
This Misa de Requiem a 8 is set by Jaime Ferrer for double choir in coro spezzato style for SSAT (TpTpAT) coro I and SATB (TpATB) coro II with basso continuo.
From the gradual "Requiem aeternam" only the verse "In memoria aeterna" has been set to music. The Introitus, Kyrie and “in memoria” are set in the Hypolodian mode and G. Major.
For the “Dies Irae” only the first four verses are set in polyphonic style. That means in the performance of the Sequentia you could alternate with the verses in coro and some soloists could sing the other plainchant verses. The Dies Irae is set in e-minor.
The verse “Hostias” of the Offertorio has not been set polyphonically, also you can perform the belonging plainchant version. The offertorium is set in c-minor. The Sanctus & Benedictus is set in e-minor. The Agnus in the hypo Phrygian mode. The closing “Lux Aeterna” is set in G-major.
The score of this Misa de Requiem breve a 8 consists out of the following parts:
1st chorus treble (4 f.), 1st chorus 2nd treble (4 f.), 1st chorus alto (4 f.), 1st chorus tenor (4 f.), 2nd chorus treble (4 f.), alto 2nd chorus (4 f.), tenor 2nd chorus (4 f.), bass 2nd chorus (4 f.), contrabass 2nd chorus(4 f.), contrabass 1st chorus (4 f.) basso continuo 1st chorus (4 f.).
This Misa de Requiem breve a 8 can be found in the Archivo Musical del El Escorial Madrid no 38981 in the Catalogo del Archivo del Monasterio de San Lorenzo El Real de El Escorial page 293, no. 786 and in the Catalogo del Archivo II del Monasterio de San Lorenzo El Real de El Escorial page 151, no. 786.
We studied the catalogo del Archivo de Musica del monasterio de San Lorenzo de El Escorial por Samuel Rubio, MCMLXXVI. Rubio concluded on page 101 en 291 Jaime Ferrer wrote six Lecciones de los tres nocturnos de difuntos, a 8! Rubio which we discussed here above catalogued the following lessons out of the three Nocturns of the Dead: 1. Parce mihi, Domine ; 2. Manus tuae 3. Responde mihi 4. Quis mihi 5. Spiritus meus and 6. Quare de vulva. Jaime Ferrer (1762-1824), Pedro Tafalla (1605-1660), Matias Cardona ( 1798-1755) already mentioned who worked in the same Real Monastery San Lorenzo de Madrid have set the same six Lessons to music. Later we will see Antonio Soler ( 1729-1783) composed music on the same six Lessons, lecciones de difuntos . Moreover Soler was very prolific and he wrote about six bundles (lecciones or Officios called by Soller) containing the six mentioned lessons. It seems to us that in this Monasterio only six of nine lessons out of the Officium Defunctorum ad Matutinum are used in the Requiem services.