Roland Leistner-Mayer
1945 -
Czech Republic | Germany
R. Leistner-Mayer
Roland Leistner-Mayer (20/02/1945) a German classical percussionist and composer, born in Kraslice (Graslitz), Czech Republic. From 1968 to 1973 he studied composition with Prof. Harald Genzmer and Prof. Günter Bialas at the Munich State University of Music, as well as piano with Günter Louegk and drums with Prof. Karl Peinkofer. From 1983 he worked on the team at the “Studio für Musik München” and has been head of the music department of the Bavarian Artists Guild Section since 1986.
Sinfonie Nr. 3: 'Das weisse Requiem'
Composed in:1994
Musical form:free
Text/libretto:Rudolf Mayer-Freiwaldau
Sinfonie Nr. 3: 'Das weisse Requiem' Op.81, 1991-1994) for Soli, Choir and Orchestra. His most extensive work to date is the hour-long Symphony No. 3 (“The White Requiem”). The oratorio composition for mezzo-soprano, baritone, choir and large orchestra was created in 1997 as part of a musica viva concert by the Bavarian Radio.