Alessio Prati
1750 - 1788
Picture Picture
A. Prati
Alessio Prati (19/07/1750 - 17/01/1788), an Italian composer, born and died in Ferrara. Sudied with Peter Marzola (chapelmaster of the cathedral of Ferrara), Niccolo Piccinni and Alexander Hope in Rome in 1774/1775. He was a clavecimbel and singteacher in Marseille. He composed the opera, L'ecole de la Jeunesse. In 1782, he went to St. Petersburg. He reurned to Italy.
Contributor:Tassos Dimitriadis (picture)
Messa da Requiem
Musical form:mass
Text/libretto:Latin mass
Ne details available.
Source:Dagny Wegner, Requiemvertonungen in Frankreich zwischen 1670 und 1850, Hamburg, 2005