George Crumb
1929 - 2022
United States of America, WV
G.H. Crumb
George Henry [George] Crumb (24/10/1929 - 06/02/2022), an American composer. He was born in Charleston, West Virginia. He received his D.M.A. at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, where he studied composition with Ross Lee Finney. Crumb has received numerous awards, honors and commissions (Pulitzer Prize 1968; International Rostrum of Composers (UNESCO) Award 1971; Fromm, Guggenheim, Koussevitzky and Rockefeller Foundations) and is a member of the National Institute of Arts & Letters. Presently he is composer in residence at the University of Pennsylvania. Audience enthusiasm, critical acclaim and colleagues' praise have been extensive for Crumb's mature works (dating from approximately 1962). Among those qualities that are most frequently cited are the following: an extraordinarily sensitive ear resulting in highly refined timbral nuances; a very powerful evocative sense and a sureness and concision in realizing his musical intentions. All of these interact structurally to form a body of music which is moving and convincing.
Lux aeterna for five masked musicians
Composed in:1971
Musical form:fragment
Text/libretto:Latin mass
Label(s):Bridge 9127
Sony Classical 8875061902
For soprano, bass flute/soprano recorder, sitar, and percussion (two players). The text is the familiar 'Lux Aeterna' from the Latin requiem mass. Length: 13:36 minutes.
First performed by Jenneke Barton (mezzo-soprano), Philadelphia Composers' Forum in Richmond, Virginia - 16 January 1972.

♫ Lux aeterna
© Sony Classical 8875061902
Contributor:Arye Kendi