Paul Abraham
1892 - 1960
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P. Abraham
Paul Abraham (02/11/1892 - 07/05/1960), a Hungarian composer, born in Apatin, Hungary, died in Hamburg, Germany. He wrote a cello concerto and some chamber music, but excelled in the composition of light music and made a success with several operettas, like Ball at the Savoy and Flower of Hawaii. He also wrote a requiem, concertos, orchestral and chamber music, etc.
Source:Grove's dictionary of music and musicians
Composed in:1918c
Musical form:mass
Not much is known about his early compositions. In early 1916, a cello concert written by Abraham was performed at the Academy, his Hungarian Serenade followed in December, as well as a string quartet in four movements. Several of his opera were performed by the Budapest Philharmonic Orchestra. 'A mass followed a year later which even received a well-endowed award.” (8) A requiem is also said to have belonged to his compositions. However, this could refer to the very same opus.
Grove's dictionary of music and musicians