Hans Jansen
1950 -
The Netherlands
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H. Jansen
Hans Jansen (16/10/1950), a Dutch choir conductor (of Pentatoon - five choirs in The Hague, Holland) and composer of church music: Psalmendrieluik (1997), Johannes Passion (2000), Requiem (2003), Mattheus Passion (2006), etc. He was born in Schiedam.
Period:21st century
Composed in:2003
Musical form:mass
Text/libretto:Latin mass + bible verses
Requiem (2003) is for soprano and tenor solo, SATB choir and orchestra. It contains:
01. Introitus - Kyrie - Graduale
02. Psalm 23
03. Epistel: 1 Tess. 4: 13 - 18
04. Evangelie: Joh. 11: 21 - 44
05. Sanctus - Bendictus
06. Agnus Dei - Communio
07. Responsorium: Libera me, Domine
08. Antifoon: In Paradisum
Contributor:Walter Heijman