Christopher Bruce [Christopher] Rathbone (05/07/1947), an English composer, born in Selsdon, Surrey. He began composing as a schoolboy at Whitgift School, South Croydon, and went up to St. Catharine's College, Cambridge to read music, with a choral exhibition in 1966. Under Peter le Huray's direction he took a BA and then a Mus B. in organ playing and composition, with tuition in Composition from Alan Ridout.
Period: | 21st century |
Composed in: | 2004 |
Musical form: | mass |
Text/libretto: | Latin mass |
This requiem contains a "Pie Jesu", which is a two-part piece.
Christopher Rathbone’s Requiem Op 92 has made many new friends since its first performance in Spring of 2004. An acclaimed account of the work, like the premičre under the direction of the composer, was heard at the Parish Church in June 2004 in the context of a programme of contemporary choral music from the pens of Mr Rathbone and Dr Francis Jackson. Mr Rathbone’s Requiem is being repeated by popular demand within the context of worship on the Commemoration of All Souls (Tuesday 2nd November 2004) at 7.30 at Leeds Parish Church [St Peter-at-Leeds, Kirkgate] in an annual service in remembrance of departed benefactors and faithful of this famous Church and Parish.